Outpatient clinic
The mission of Villa Gemma and Villa Barbarano lies in the synergistic approach between the different professions and the multiple disciplines in patient care.
Taking care of each patient is thus complete, thanks to the presence of professionals active in all areas of specialization and the ability to exchange this knowledge.
Qualified staff, cutting-edge technology and a commitment to constant improvement characterize the quality of care.
The Cardiology Service, thanks to the collaboration of qualified professional figures, carries out activities aimed at the diagnostic, clinical and instrumental framework, and the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies. The Cardiology service provides specialist visits and diagnostic services for outpatient patients sent to the service by external doctors and it provides consultancy for hospitalized patients.
- Transcranic Colordoppler with Bubblu Test
- Vascular Surgery Consulting
- Ecocolordoppler A.I. and A.S. arterious and venous
- Cardiac Echocolordopplergraphy
- Cardiac Echocolordopplergrafia at rest and after physical test
- Ecocolordoppler large vases
- Ecocolordoppler TSA
- Electrocardiogram
- Dynamic electrocardiogram according to Holter (24 hours)
- Continuous monitoring of blood pressure (24 hours)
- Cardiological rehabilitation
- Cardiovascular stress test on the cycle ergometer
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The dermatological visit includes the study and the evaluation of the entire skin including skin appendages (hair and nails) and mucous membranes (oral cavity and genital areas). At our clinic it is possible to perform dermatological visits for diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory skin diseases (for example psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, lichen); dermatological cancer prevention (epitheliomas, actinic keratoses and melanoma).
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It is a method that allows you to collect information on both the state of muscle health and of the nervous system that involves it and it has multiple fields of application: study of sensitivity disorders; study of nerve roots; study of the functional state of the marrow (ALS, myelitis, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.); study of the functional state of the muscle (muscular dystrophy, myasthenia, etc.); study of the peripheral nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetic neuropathy, etc.); study of rare diseases of the nervous system.
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The Geriatric surgery, is aimed at elderly people who present situations of fragility, with risk of loss of autonomy, or to polypathological patients with the need for clinical and therapeutic monitoring or with suspected or obvious cognitive and behavioral disorders. The Geriatric surgery, is aimed at elderly people who present situations of fragility, with risk of loss of autonomy, or to polypathological patients with the need for clinical and therapeutic monitoring or with suspected or obvious cognitive and behavioral disorders. The specialist geriatrician is responsible for choosing and coordinating the following activities: taking charge based on rapid diagnoses and short outpatient investigations of acute and chronic pathologies of geriatric relevance, or hospitalization; follow up of chronic evolutionary and non-evolutionary geriatric pathologies; taking care of disabilities for preventive and therapeutic purposes; multidimensional assessment of the elderly to identify the risk areas of the fragile patient in order to take all the necessary measures to reduce the risk and prevent cognitive and functional deterioration; assessment of the cognitive state of the elderly subject through functional neuropsychological diagnostic tests, also aimed at certification of disability; evaluation of drug pathology in the elderly (pharmacovigilance); follow up of cognitive deficits in geriatric age.
- Geriatric visit with neuro-cognitive tests for driving license renewal
- Geriatric visit with Invalidity Test
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The clinic of physical medicine and rehabilitation provides, through the instrument of the visit and functional assessments, to take charge of the disabling neurological, orthopedic and rheumatological diseases, also including painful affections of the spine and joints, para-dysmorphisms, postural disorders, traumatic outcomes etc. All the activities have the aim of facilitating the functional recovery and rehabilitation of the patient and the contrast of the painful syndrome, through the use of therapeutic protocols that use kinesitherapy, manual and physical therapies, joint or soft tissue infiltrations, and oxygen ozone therapy, according to scientifically proven standards. The rehabilitation team is made up of specialist doctors, physiotherapists, mass physiotherapists, speech therapists, neuropsychologists and occupational therapists with experience and specific training in the various techniques and manual skills used for patient care. The service is located at both Villa Gemma and Villa Barbarano which operate synergistically according to shared models. Among the diseases that are treated are reported: neurological (outcomes of cerebral vasculopathy, para-quadriparesis, neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s disease, neuropathies, disorders of muscle tone and balance, spasticity, etc.); orthopedic and post traumatic: traumatic outcomes, including road or work, joint sprains, fractures, muscle-tendon injuries, outcomes of minor and major orthopedic surgery, such as osteosynthesis, muscle or tendon sutures, prosthetic joint replacement, arthroscopy, etc.; pathologies of the sportsman: traumatic outcomes, functional overload disorders, changes in the sporting gesture, etc.; painful and dysfunctional pathologies of the spine: paramorphisms and dysmorphisms, postural disorders, back-lumbar cervical rachyalgias, radiculopathies, sciatica, discopathies, hernias and disc protrusions, osteoarthritis, road traumatism; inflammatory and degenerative arthropathies: arthritis, arthrosis, painful and dysfunctional joint syndromes; subacute and chronic respiratory diseases (COPD, pneumonia, pleuropneumonia, respiratory failure, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis); post acute and chronic cardiological pathologies: outcomes of AMI, heart failure, cardiac surgery outcomes. Particular attention is paid to the management of the waiting list in order to ensure rapid treatment of all patients, with priority for the outcomes of trauma at work INAIL, traumatic outcomes in general, pathologies in the acute or sub-acute phase, outcomes of recent surgical interventions, neurological pathologies. The types of treatment available are particularly numerous and are divided into the following main groups: motor rehabilitation, logotherapy services, neuropsychology and occupational therapy, physical therapies, manual treatments)
- Hyaluronic acid infiltrations
- Cortisone infiltrations
- Ozone therapy
- Motor re-education
- Logotherapy, Neuropsychology and Occupational Therapy Service
- Physical therapies
- Manual treatments
- Manual treatments
- Physiatric visit for osteoporosis
- Physiatric visit for rheumology
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The Internal Medicine clinic deals with the diagnosis and therapy planning of the main internal pathologies, the respiratory, gastroenterological and endocrine diseases. It is mainly aimed at the management of patients affected by multiple pathologies, and aims to treat the individual sick as a whole, rather than the cure of the individual disease. For this reason, the main afferents to the surgery are multi-pathological patients with chronic diseases (primarily Arterial Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, COPD, Oncological and Neurological Degenerative Diseases.). The specialist doctor is responsible for choosing and coordinating the following activities: taking charge based on rapid diagnoses and short investigations in the outpatient setting of acute and chronic pathologies of internal relevance, or hospitalization. A consultancy service is also offered for the dosage of oral anticoagulant therapy on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In addition, after medical evaluation and by appointment, salassotherapy can be performed.
- Diabetology Service
- Dietetics Service
- General Medicine visit for Oncology
- General Medicine visit for Hematology
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The General Neurology clinic offers specialist advice for the diagnosis and treatment of the main neurological diseases. In particular: headaches, cerebrovascular diseases, movement disorders, neuro – degenerative and inflammatory diseases, Parkinson syndrome, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy.
- Transcranial color Doppler with bubble test
- Transcranial color Doppler with vascular reactivity test
- Eco Doppler TSA
- Basal and deprivation EEG
- Electromyography – Neurography
- Fitness check for vehicle driving
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In the ophthalmology clinic, the assessment of visual capacity, tone and ocular motility is performed; examination of the overall transparency of the lens and, after pupil dilation, evaluation of the retina to detect imperfections or often asymptomatic ruptures. Orthoptic evaluation is also available, which consists of examining the binocular vision to highlight the presence of misalignment of the visual axes, amblyopia and anomaly of the stereopsis (perception of three-dimensionality). This assessment is particularly important in children for early detection of small strabismus and visual deficits from amblyopia; in adults to identify binocular fusive problems that can create discomfort during application, particularly in studying, reading and using the computer). In addition, the examination of the computerized visual field and analyzer of the fibers of the optic nerve, tests for the early diagnosis of ocular hypertone and glaucoma are carried out. Ocular hypertonicity is a subtle and silent pathology for many years. It is very important to make an early diagnosis and establish adequate therapy to avoid serious damage to visual function caused by the prolongation of endocular hypertonia and subsequent glaucoma which causes narrowing of the visual field and atrophy of the optic nerve fibers.
- Visual field examination
- Fundus oculi examination
- Hess screen
- Corneal tomography
- Tonometry
- Orthoptic evaluation
- Visit for License Renewal
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It is an outpatient clinic dedicated to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: outcomes of trauma and post-surgical states, inflammatory and degenerative syndromes. It makes use of the collaboration of the other services present in the structure, such as the Rehabilitation Service, Osteoporosis clinic (for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of bone metabolism), Diabetology clinic (diabetic foot) and the O.U. of Diagnostic Imaging and Analysis Laboratory.
- Arthrocentesis both diagnostic and therapeutic
- Intra-articular infiltrations with hyaluronic acid
- Intra-articular infiltrations with cortisone
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The obstetrics and gynecology clinic of the clinics offers a complete response to the needs of women in their various phases (childhood, fertile period, premenopause, menopause, postmenopause): reference center for the Monnalisa Touch vaginal laser; prevention of cancers of the genital system; diagnosis and therapy of the main gynecological pathologies with the help of pelvic ultrasound; abnormalities of the menstrual cycle; genital infections; diseases of the ovary and uterus; endometriosis; menopause disorders; pap test (performed by the midwife); taking charge of the woman during pregnancy; obstetric ultrasound; transabdominal and transvaginal gynecological ultrasound; ultrasound for Nucal translucency, cervicometry; contraception (IUD application).
- Obstetric specialist visit
- Morphological Echography
- Obstetric ultrasound
- Transabdominal pelvic ultrasound
- Transvaginal pelvic ultrasound
- Obstetric ultrasound
- Pap Test
- Uro-Genital Buffer
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The clinic’s otolaryngology clinic offers an efficient and accurate medical service, for the care and diagnosis of patients who need to be checked, diagnosed or preventively checked for ear, nose and throat diseases. It therefore deals with the health of the respiratory tract and the auditory system. The specialist doctor collaborates with the other services of the nursing home (high-resolution CT imaging, high-field MRI, pulmonology clinic, speech therapy service) to offer a complete and comprehensive assessment of the pathology in progress.
- ORL specialist examination
- Audiometric exam
- Clinical examination of the vestibular functionality associated with the study of the proven registered nistagm
- Clinical examination of vestibular functionality associated with study of spontaneous registered nistagm
- Endoscopic investigation of the nose and nasal cavities, pharynx and larynx
- Rotary vestibular stimulations
- Assessment of the sleep apnee patient
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The pneumological surgery is performed by specialists operating in the O.U. of Respiratory Rehabilitation and it is aimed at diagnostics and treatment of the main respiratory diseases. Users who refer to the pulmonary surgery usually present symptoms such as cough and / or breathlessness accompanied by any others such as symptoms such as asthenia, change in body weight, hemoptysis, chest pain. The visit is performed, any in-depth examinations required and prescribed therapy. During the visit, functional respiratory investigations, blood gas analysis or walking tests can be performed. All subjects are determined the saturation of O2 by saturation applied to a finger. Didactic is always performed on the use of the various devices and on the therapy concerning the pathology under examination, educational therapy is also performed on the subject’s disease and correct lifestyles. Patients can access the service sent by their general practitioner, other specialists or by contacting the CUP directly. The exams are:
- Alveolus-capillary diffusion of CO
- EAB (arterial blood gas analysis)
- Respiratory FKT
- Bloodless monitoring of arterial saturation
- Bronchodynamic test with bronchoconstrictor (methacholine)
- Global spirometry with plethysmographic method
- Simple spirometry
- Pharmacological bronchodilation test
- Pneumological visit for oxygen renewal
- Walking test
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Diagnostics, medical treatment, follow-up and specialist advice are carried out in this clinic for the major and most frequent male and female urinary tract diseases: prostate pathology (e.g. prostatic hypertrophy); urinary stones; dysfunctions and malformations of the urinary tract; infections, and pathology of the male genital system; erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, male infertility; tumors of the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, prostate and testicle.
- Urological specialist examination
- Penis ultrasound
- Rheno-bladder ultrasound
- Testicular ultrasound
- Transrectal echography
- Medicinal infiltration of the penis
- Uroflowmetry
Early diagnosis of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most frequent malignancy in men, together with lung. It is a treatable disease which, if caught in time, is unlikely to have a fatal outcome.
From this premise we understand the importance of early diagnosis.
From this premise we understand the importance of the current methodologies used in the diagnosis of prostate cancer have improved a lot in the last three decades: a of early diagnosis.
- The PSA is a blood test that can be elevated in the presence of prostate cancer but not only because it can also rise for acute or chronic prostate infections and negative values sometimes do not exclude the existence of a tumor.
- Transrectal prostate ultrasound allows the identification of doubtful lesions of a neoplastic or inflammatory type.
- Traditional rectal examination is not a very effective screening tool; by probing with a finger, only a part of the gland can be accessed, thus not being able to perceive some neoplasms (especially those located anteriorly). And in some cases the tumor has to grow a lot before it can be felt with rectal examination and often the disease is at an advanced stage.
- Multiparametric MRI allows you to further discern suspicious areas on ultrasound. MRI of the prostate is very detailed in the information it provides in soft tissue, such as the prostate gland.
Following these evaluations, the urologist will be able to suspect or exclude the presence of any prostate cancer that can be diagnosed by a prostate biopsy.
At this point it is possible to carry out biopsies exactly in the suspicious areas detected by the magnetic resonance (fusion technique or, if carried out by expert hands, also the cognitive biopsy).
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