
The pneumological surgery is performed by specialists operating in the O.U. of Respiratory Rehabilitation and it is aimed at diagnostics and treatment of the main respiratory diseases. Users who refer to the pulmonary surgery usually present symptoms such as cough and / or breathlessness accompanied by any others such as symptoms such as asthenia, change in body weight, hemoptysis, chest pain. The visit is performed, any in-depth examinations required and prescribed therapy. During the visit, functional respiratory investigations, blood gas analysis or walking tests can be performed. All subjects are determined the saturation of O2 by saturation applied to a finger. Didactic is always performed on the use of the various devices and on the therapy concerning the pathology under examination, educational therapy is also performed on the subject’s disease and correct lifestyles. Patients can access the service sent by their general practitioner, other specialists or by contacting the CUP directly. The exams are:

  • Alveolus-capillary diffusion of CO
  • EAB (arterial blood gas analysis)
  • Respiratory FKT
  • Bloodless monitoring of arterial saturation
  • Bronchodynamic test with bronchoconstrictor (methacholine)
  • Global spirometry with plethysmographic method
  • Simple spirometry
  • Pharmacological bronchodilation test
  • Pneumological visit for oxygen renewal
  • Walking test
