Waiting List
It is possible to check the waiting times of the outpatient services provided by Villa Gemma and Villa Barbarano and the possible availability of services activated as part of the “open ambulatories” operation promoted by the Lombardy Region.
The data refer to patients assisted by the NHS and they are collected according to the provisions of the Lombardy Region (DGR 1775/2011 and subsequent amendments and additions).
The waiting list formation criteria are those provided by the Lombardy Regional Council Resolution 1775/2011, 7766/2018 and subsequent amendments and additions.
Waiting times Villa Gemma e Villa Barbarano
Update December 14, 2022
Dear Users are reminded that the priority classes defined by the Doctor at the time of prescription are the following:
- PRIORITY U = Urgent, within 72 hours
- PRIORITY B = Within 10 days
- PRIORITY D = Within 30 days (visits) and within 60 days (instrumental services)
- PRIORITY P = Programmable
waiting times: interval between booking date and performance date.
(regulatory reference: DGR X/3993 of 04/08/2015 and DGR 7766 of 17/01/2018)14