VILLA GEMMA and VILLA BARBARANO provide diagnosis and treatment in hospitalization, outpatient specialist, instrumental diagnostics and home care.
Both clinics exercise their mission by carrying out health activities in compliance with the principles of equity and dignity of the human person, inspired by the protection of life, the promotion of health and the recovery of psycho-physical resources and impaired functional and relationship skills.

For the implementation of these inspiring principles, the Management has established some general principles on which Villa Gemma and Villa Barbarano are committed:

a) ATTENTION TO THE CUSTOMER/USER: develop a continuous action to improve services and business processes, aimed at patient attention and satisfaction, guaranteeing the best diagnosis and treatment services (appropriateness, timeliness, effectiveness) through a multi-professional and multidisciplinary assessment, ensuring adequate hospitality and hotel service;

b) PROFESSIONALISM AND TECHNOLOGIES: make use of competent human resources and adequate technologies, through continuous updating and effective communication between operators and users.

c) PROVIDE EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE AND SAFETY OF THE TREATMENTS: through the control of process performance, periodically assessing the needs/expectations of the interested parties and the evolution of the context.

Il raggiungimento degli obiettivi viene annualmente verificato dalla Direzione che attiva gli eventuali provvedimenti correttivi confrontandosi con l’organizzazione.

In questo contesto la Direzione considera essenziale la creazione, il mantenimento e la Certificazione di un Sistema Qualità aziendale in accordo con la normativa UNI EN ISO 9001.

I responsabili di ciascuna Unità Funzionale e Organizzativa assicurano che questa Politica per la Qualità sia diffusa, compresa ed attuata da tutto il personale nello svolgimento delle proprie attività.