Oxygen - Ozone Therapy
Injection therapy with a balanced mixture of oxygen-ozone is indicated in hernias and disc protrusions, discopathies and radiculopathies cervical, dorsal, lumbar, in coccyx pain, in myofascial syndrome (fibromyalgia), fasciitis of the fascia lata and ileo band. tibial, in pain from osteoarticular pathology, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, arthrosynovitis knee, painful shoulder (rotator cuff tendinopathy…), carpal tunnel syndrome, snap finger, hand arthropathy, rhizarthrosis, painful pathology of the ankle, painful pathology of the foot (hallux valgus, capsulitis, bursitis, Morton’s neuroma, plantar fasciitis …), tendinopathies (De Quervain’s disease, epicondylitis, epitrocleitis, pathology Achilles tendon …), active trigger points (painful points). It has been hypothesized that the mechanism of action of infiltration with oxygen-ozone is achieved through a multifactorial action: muscle and trophic decontracting action, pain and inflammation reduction, with good therapeutic efficacy (75 – 80%). Different routes of administration of the gas mixture: injection into the muscle bundles (intramuscular technique) by bilateral / symmetric paravertebral injections at the level of the disc space affected by the hernia, of the roots involved and along tensions of the muscle bundles, perinervous injection (carpal tunnel, tunnel tarsal), periarticular injection (painful shoulder from rotator cuff tendinopathy, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis …), peritendinous injection with technique (epicondylitis, epitrocleitis, De Quervain’s disease, yarrow tendinopathy, rhizarthrosis …),iniezione sottocutanea e/o intramuscolo nei punti dolorosi. The infiltration is performed, after careful disinfection, by inserting very thin, sterile disposable needles, then the gaseous mixture is injected safely and accurately, using special syringes and antibacterial filters, ensuring adequate asepsis and the purity of the injection gaseous. Several infiltrations are carried out with a frequency generally of two or three times a week, in some cases, infiltrations of recall-maintenance are recommended. The procedure is generally well tolerated by the patient, sometimes a temporary sensation of heaviness or transient burning (burning) pain can be felt, there is also the possibility of a short-term awakening of the painful symptoms. The risks associated with this procedure are those related to puncture (injection site hematoma) and vagal reactions (sweating, bradycardia, hypotension). Vagal seizures, usually transient, resolve spontaneously in a few minutes, otherwise it is necessary to resort to medical aids . The procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy, in patients with favism, untreated hyperthyroidism.
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